

tinyproxy transparent proxy patch — Linux/FreeBSD-PF specific

arpwatch vlan patch — no more sent bad hardware format

useful libraries and utilities — stuff not always easily found on the net.

odd utilitiesunsort input lines, print C source with line numbers, follow a file.

linux policy routing example — simple example to remind myself how it works

linux capability patch for apache 1.3.X — derived from xntpd.

openssh — alternate authentication style patch.

bind_port — a privileged wrapper to bind a reserved port (another approach.)

blowfish password hashes on SuSE 10.x — some observations.

clamd control scripts — query status, shutdown etc clamd (for ClamAV package.)

Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology II RAID binary driver — building it under RHEL4 (using kernel-devel)

Irix things — lofs and resolver libs

tunnel through a web proxy — intercept library that uses CONNECT to implement connect(2)

intercept proxy — intercept web traffic and redirect through a proxy

libkeepalive — intercept library to set tcp_keepalive parms

gcc transparent unions — the socket API uses gcc transparent unions for the sockaddr structure

osx interpose libraries — not LD_PRELOAD...

subnet_merge — merge network/mask lists...

jot — jottings